When I first started reading about these topics, and the possibility, that mercury from amalgam fillings and vaccinations could be a cause for autism, I came across a lot of information.
In this blog post I want to show a little overview (it is still very confusing how much information there is out there, and even more, to put it all together. And even more so, when you're brain is still a little Asperger-style - I always get lost in the details and fail to show the whole picture. But I try).
The first person working in this field is
Dr. Klinghardt from the
Klinghardt Academy.
From his page:
Klinghardt studied medicine (1969-1975) and psychology (1975-1979) in Freiburg, Germany, completing his PhD on the involvement of the autonomic nervous system in autoimmune disorders. Several publications followed. Early in his career, he became interested in the sequelae of chronic toxicity (especially lead, mercury, environmental pollutants and electromagnetic fields) for the course of illness. While working in India as a junior physician, he encountered Eastern concepts of disease etiology and blended them with his Western training. This laid the foundation for his 5-level system of Integrative Medicine.
Since the 1970s, Dr. Klinghardt has contributed significantly to the understanding of metal toxicity and its connection with chronic infections, illness and pain. He is considered an authority on this subject and has been instrumental in advancing various fields within biological medicine - non-invasive pain management, injection techniques for pain and orthopaedic dysfunction, anti-ageing medicine, toxicology, paediatrics (neuro-developmental disorders), energy psychology, biological dentistry, and others. He has also developed Autonomic Response Testing, a comprehensive diagnostic system that has helped many practitioners to become accomplished holistic physicians.
His successful treatment for autism mostly includes the detoxification of heavy metals, and the treatment of lyme. His Klinghardt Protocol includes Chlorella, bear leek and cilantro.
The next one, another German medical doctor, is
Dr. Joachim Mutter who has published some books about heavy metal toxicity and detoxification. I don't know if you can get them in English too, but if you happen to understand German, take a look. They're the basic you need to know about environmental medicine.
Max Daunderer from the
Tox Center should be mentioned but I don't approve his sensational style.
Then there is
Andrew Cutler, who has written a whole book about mercury toxicity:
Amalgam Illness. He has made up the
Cutler protocol which a lot of parents are using for their autistic children. It mainly says to take DMSA (Dimercaptosuccinic acid) and later ALA (alpha lipoic acid) every 3-4 hours for a few days (mostly a weekend) and then pause. Included are also lots of supplements. Many people think protocol is one of the safest and most successfull.
There are lots of other methods, like getting DMPS, or acetylcysteine or glutathione, or taking castor oil weekly, taking
iodine (see also
here), or zeolites, charcoal and there are lots of other protocols out there.
In my opinion DMPS and DMSA are highly effective but of course can have side effects and should be only taken under supervision. Also alpha lipoic acid is highly effective. Chlorella & Co is a more natural method but can have some serious side effects if you don't have an experienced practicioner by your side.
In total I think the Cutler protocol is safest and best. A complete heavy metal detox is a slow process though and can take up to 4 years. Patience is key.